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Farming enthusiasts
All the boys and girls are really enjoying our current topic all about farming. Mrs McClelland even finds herself learning interesting information from some of the young farmers in Y5/6!
One of our Y6’s kindly brought in some food that they feed their ewes and rams on her Granda’s farm. Alesha was able to confidently talk to the whole class explaining the different types of food and how often they are fed. She also was able to tell us how different types of food might affect the ewes milk supply.
Another pupil in Y5 brought in some photos of his dads farming machinery and was able to tell us how a seed drill sows barley. Adam loved showing us all the photos, especially his dad and the tractor photos. Proud son!
Well done!
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684