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Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane

If it's not blue, it won't do!

9th May 2018

Alex's Dad brought his New Holland to school today, it was much bigger than the Massey- especially for the P1 children to get their picture taken in! The children climbed up the three steps, holding onto the handrail, they sat up in the seat and had a look around. A few children were able to spot the gear stick, indicators and the horn! The New Holland has 120 horse power and is ran on diesel. Norman had washed it especially for us, we could see the white of the wheels and the link box attachments at the back. A big thanks to Norman for taking time out of this busy farming season to come and visit us in school. 


Back in class, the children compared the two tractors and wrote about their favourite. They gave reasons to explain, using the word because. Some of the Year 1 children were fantastic at using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces- not to forget, their fantastic phonics too!