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Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane

Let's get growing!

11th May 2017

In Year 3 and 4 our final topic is 'Let's get growing'. The children would like to learn about how plants, children and animals grow. We will begin by looking at plants. So far, we have named the different parts of plants and are learning what their jobs are. Using our iPads, the children have researched each of the parts and are observing this first hand in class by planting our own cress seeds. To begin with we were a bit confused as to how some seeds grow in different places even though they hadn't been planted by a person. Some of the children had a question they would like to find the answer to which was, 'Do all seeds need soil to grow?' The cress seeds have proven the answer to this question as they can grow on cotton wool so long as they get watered each day, have sunlight and a bit of heat. Be careful not to add too much water though, they might get too soggy and kill the seeds! We have uploaded video blogs about the growth of our cress seeds, check out our videos!