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Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane

T Team


The T-Team club where marvellous Mathematicians are celebrated for their multiplication skills, and now division facts too!

How do you get in the team? There are five different levels; cubs, cadets, commanders, captains and division whizz. For each level you are required to know different number facts.

These are;

Cubs- 2 and 10 times tables

Cadets- 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables.

Commanders- 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 times tables.

Captains- All of the times tables up to 12x12!

Division Whizz- All of the division facts.

In school there is a sign-up sheet, where you sign your name when you think you are ready to try-out for a team. You’ve got to be quick though, as there are only five spaces in each level for each try-out! Keep an eye on the board as the new sign-up sheet will go up fairly soon after the previous try-out.

When you come for a try-out, you will need to answer 20 multiplication facts in 3 minutes, you must get them all correct to become a member.

In assembly you will be awarded with a certificate if you got the facts correct, inside the time and your picture will be on our wall of fame in the assembly hall!

NEW- Each class has now got their own T-Team record board. Each class has been asked to come up with a target for this term. If you reach the target you will be rewarded by your teacher, however if you fail to reach your target your teacher will get to choose a forfeit task for you to carry out! Set a smart target that will be achievable for the entire class.

Get practising at home and keep checking the T-Team board for the next try-out!


28th Feb 2025
Well done to our netball team who travelled to Sion Mills PS today for a netball...
28th Feb 2025
Well done to our stars this week ⭐️  Nursery - Hannah P1/2 - Jack P2/3...

Well done to our T-Team movers this week!