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Year 6/7 have been participating in a joint project involving children from Knockavoe school.
Both groups of children embarked on a special workshop in which they made colourful windsocks.
It will culminate with a celebration walk to be held on the 21st February.
Our Year 6/7 class recently carried out an experiment to illustrate how we can clean water.
As you can see from the pictures the boys and girls really enjoyed being scientists!
In Nursery Mrs Preston has been watching the girls and boys behave and how they can share with their friends. We have been trying to remember our golden rules and to use gentle hands with our friends. Each week Mrs Preston chooses two children for her Stars of the week. This week she has chosen Mia and Annabel. Well done girls, and to everyone else keep trying hard!
Just before Christmas our Year 6/7 class took part in a dodgeball tournament against a number of different schools from the council area.
Both of our teams went on to face each other in the final!! Artigarvan Primary School were the overall winners receiving a trophy and medals! Well done to all who took part.
Year 4 and 5 have been participating in Creative Dance workshops through their involvement in the 'Let the Dance Begin' project.
Visit the following website for more details:
Year 4/5 have produced some beautiful Art work using the works of Leonid Afremov as inspiration.
We enjoyed Art lessons using the works of Leonid Afremov as inspiration. We sourced images of the work of the artist Leonid Afremov. There are many examples of his paintings online. They are beautiful and particularly colourful. We focused on creating a small area of the painting and then building on this to create a final piece. Lots of discussion centred around the colours used to create a paint palette for Leonid by mixing appropriate colours. We then got very messy as we used our fingers and hands to create the type of marks he makes. The paintings then progressed on as we created the background of leaves. We thought about symmetry and how folding could help to create the reflection on the page. Finally we painted in the tree trunks and added people.
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684