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Year 5/6 are keeping fit and healthy by playing rugby each week. Have a look at our skills!
This week we have been reading the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Now that we know the story really well, we drew a story map together so we can walk along the story to remind us of what happened. Goldilocks and the three bears LOVE porridge, in our class we're not so sure about it so we are going to make our own, add some toppings and try it for ourselves. We will update you when we do this!
Year 5/6 are currently involved in a project with the Pushkin Trust. They have had the opportunity to take part in African drumming workshops and the next stage is a series of dance workshops. The first of these was on Tuesday. We enjoyed expressing ourselves through dance.
Have a look at our photographs from Christmas 2017. Firstly we had our festive school dinner followed by a very successful school disco, helped and organised by the PTA. It was a brilliant night and we are hopeful to have many more PTA involved events in the near future.
Next was our school nativity, which this year, involved each class from the school. All of the children did a wonderful job and we are very proud of them.
What a lovely way to end the year and we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.
Your child has received a consent form for our whole school cinema trip on Monday 11th December. Please complete and return the form along with the £3. We can't wait to see 'The Star' and have some popcorn too!
The children in Year 4/5 loved pretending to be mummies. This ties in with their new topic on Ancient Egypt!
Our key stage 2 children took part in a moving image program. They all got the opportunity to make a mini movie using the I-pad and really enjoyed making their movies.
Our topic until Christmas is called Let's Sparkle. We will begin by looking at night and day, changes in our weather and where light comes from. The children will be learning about stars and comparing different colours of stars. They will be thinking about why stars cannot be seen during the day and why some stars look bigger than others. We have lots of play based learning opportunities planned for the children, we can't wait to see where our learning will take us. Stay tuned for some pictures and videos of our learning so far.
Ronan McKee from the Pushkin Programme came into our school on 14/11/17 to deliver a drumming workshop to the Year 6/7. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and taking part.
Ronan from Sustrans was back in school on Tuesday 14th November.
On this occasion Ronan put the children through a series of tasks.
These tested the children's skills on balance, control and agility.
Have a look at the pictures and videos below of the children.
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684