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3rd March 2020
Baby Joanna and her Mummy visited today for our theme of communication. We talked about how babies communicate and looked at Baby Joanna's body movement and gestures. We learnt that nursery rhymes are very helpful to language development and we presented Baby Joanna with a beautiful nursery rhyme book made by all the boys and girls in Year 3/4.
On Saturday 29th February it was the final of the ‘Couch to 5K’ very kindly organised by Joeanne Kerr. Twelve ladies were out in some of the worst weather conditions over the past six weeks and everyone at Artigarvan P.S would like to say a huge WELL DONE and THANK YOU for your dedication and for supporting our school and nursery. On Saturday families and friends were invited to join in for a family walk after our twelve superstars had taken off on their run. The weather forecast for the weekend wasn’t pleasant and we thank those who came out to join the walk and thankfully the rain stayed away for the duration of this event. Everyone could enjoy refreshments after in Fox Lodge and we would like to thank Nicola and Laura for helping with this as well as all the parents who provided scones, pancakes and treats to eat. It was a brilliant morning and together an amazing £787.50 was raised for Artigarvan Primary School and Community Nursery. A huge thank you to Joeanne and her helpers for organising this event and thank you everyone once again for your support.
Today, P5/6 were learning about instructional writing. They helped Miss Moore make some tasty treats to celebrate Pancake Tuesday and then wrote their own recipe to try at home! Who knew literacy could be so tasty?
For Pancake Tuesday Laura made us homemade pancakes in school! We then chose which toppings to add to our pancakes. Take a look at our delicious pancakes!
There was lots of love and excitement in school as the Enterprise Team delivered their ‘goody bags’ around the classes today. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, and thank you to the boys and girls who spent a lot of time making up 165 goody bags!!! The total money made was £60.76 for our school.
We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Sandra and Laura for providing lots of delicious treats for our unhealthy break to raise money for our sponsor child Olbirat. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, we raised a total of £83 to send to Olbirat.
Year 5/6 have been progressing well with their Mandarin lessons each week with Ren. Last week they learnt all about Chinese food and the importance of chopsticks to the Chinese culture. They even had a go trying to use chopsticks themselves!
Years 5, 6 and 7 were treated to a lovely assembly about Robbie Burns, some of the boys and girls even tried some Haggis.
We enjoyed a ‘Stand by me’ assembly with Johnny who works for the charity that supports Olbrait our sponsor child. We learned about living conditions for some of the children that ‘Stand by me’ care for and also some of their recent work. Year 5,6 and 7 then took part in a workshop with Johnny.
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684