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Today, P5/6 were learning about instructional writing. They helped Miss Moore make some tasty treats to celebrate Pancake Tuesday and then wrote their own recipe to try at home! Who knew literacy could be so tasty?
For Pancake Tuesday Laura made us homemade pancakes in school! We then chose which toppings to add to our pancakes. Take a look at our delicious pancakes!
There was lots of love and excitement in school as the Enterprise Team delivered their ‘goody bags’ around the classes today. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, and thank you to the boys and girls who spent a lot of time making up 165 goody bags!!! The total money made was £60.76 for our school.
We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Sandra and Laura for providing lots of delicious treats for our unhealthy break to raise money for our sponsor child Olbirat. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, we raised a total of £83 to send to Olbirat.
Year 5/6 have been progressing well with their Mandarin lessons each week with Ren. Last week they learnt all about Chinese food and the importance of chopsticks to the Chinese culture. They even had a go trying to use chopsticks themselves!
Years 5, 6 and 7 were treated to a lovely assembly about Robbie Burns, some of the boys and girls even tried some Haggis.
We enjoyed a ‘Stand by me’ assembly with Johnny who works for the charity that supports Olbrait our sponsor child. We learned about living conditions for some of the children that ‘Stand by me’ care for and also some of their recent work. Year 5,6 and 7 then took part in a workshop with Johnny.
During P.E we have been busy learning numbers and colours. We used Numicon to match numerals to the shapes and then we matched colours using coloured objects. It was a competition between two teams, we had to work together and make sure we were paying attention so that we didn't miss our turn.
Today we enjoyed some delicious treats baked by Laura and Sandra. We had a choice of pancakes, cupcakes or scones and the money we used to buy our snack will be donated to our sponsor child Olbirat.
We had another lovely visit from Baby Joanna, this time she brought along her Mummy and her Daddy. We talked about how babies are vulnerable and need to be kept safe. The children were able to see the huge responsibility of being a parent and that babies should never be left alone (except when put to bed). Thank you Baby Joanna and your Mummy and Daddy for another lovely Roots of Empathy visit.
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684