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Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane

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31st Jan 2025

This week we focused on two different types of dancing. We looked at modern dance and highland dancing. We tried different elements of each dance style and started to create a small dance routine. We had loads of fun but our feet were very sore with all the dancing. 💃 

31st Jan 2025

Well done to everyone this week.

Nursery - Scarlett

P1/2 - Evie

P2/3 - Sadie

P3/4 - Harper 

P5/6 - Isla

P6/7 - Lily

Principals award - Lucy

30th Jan 2025

As part of our Winter wonderland topic we have been learning about celebrations and festivals in Winter. Chinese new year was celebrated on January 29th, we read the story about how the animals were selected for each year and as this year is the year of the snake, we made our own snake puppets. This was lots of fun! 

In Numeracy we have been learning about length, comparing the length of different objects and using the correct words to describe them. Using paper chains, we made snakes with our partners. Then we compared the length of our snakes with the children at our tables. Those with the longest snakes then came to the carpet where we decided who had the longest snake in the class! 

30th Jan 2025
Years 5, 6 and 7 had a really lovely visit from parliament yesterday.  Fiona was very informative and told us lots of fun facts.  We learnt about what a democracy is, what MPs do, how to be an active citizen and different laws in our country.
23rd Jan 2025

We all enjoyed drawing shapes with chalk and shading different fractions.  We were lucky to get outside before the rain came! 

21st Jan 2025
The Road Safe NI quiz took place in the Guildhall today for the Derry & Strabane Council Area heat. Artigarvan PS were delighted to come first place!!! Massive thanks to Road Safety NI charity for organising and to the Mayor of Derry City & Strabane District for hosting such a fantastic venue and for her kind words to the children taking part. Mrs Grace Hargan presented the medals to all 3 teams in first, second and third place and the Stevie Hargan Memorial trophy to the winners. The four girls (Lacey, Ariana, Rachel and Sarah) will represent Artigarvan PS at the final in Cookstown on 10th March. We wish them well.
21st Jan 2025

We walked to the shop to visit the post office. Jennifer and Jacqueline kindly showed us the sacks the postman puts the parcels and letters into. We got to use the stamp with today’s date and we posted three letters of our own. These letters needed weighed, measured and stamped before they were placed into the sack for collection. The letters were too big for the postbox outside! On the postbox it said the post would be collected at 4pm, on our way down to the shop we met the postman delivering the mail sacks to the shop. What a fun morning we had! Thank you so much to our local shop, Spar for having us! 

20th Jan 2025
P5/6 enjoyed some practical Numeracy activities where they were measuring in metres, centimetres and millimetres. 
17th Jan 2025
Well done to everyone this week, we have had so many superstars this week it was so hard for the teachers to choose this week.

Nursery - Caiden

P1/2 - Glenn

P2/3 - Elsie

P3/4 - Jacob C 

P5/6 - Lily

P6/7 - Lacey 

Principals award - Myla
15th Jan 2025

Today was the first day of Shared Education for Year 4. We met up with our friends from St Mary’s PS, Cloughcor and Bready Jubilee PS. We walked over to Artigarvan Hall to meet everyone. When we arrived we took part in several warm up games before we discovered what we would be doing over the next few weeks. We will be learning about three different genres of dance. We had Becki teaching us Highland dancing, Mr McCrystal taught us some Irish dancing and Melissa and Amber taught us some modern dance moves. 

We will be showcasing our dances at the end, we hope our parents can come and enjoy.