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Last week our school participated in the Feet First Families Week. Each day a specific class were given the option if they wanted to walk/cycle to school from the local Presbyterian Church. On Friday it was the Nursery boy's and girl's turn and we had a fantastic turn out. During our Nursery day, we were able to go out to the playground and show off our skills on our bikes and scooters. Well done to everyone who participated last week.
We had lots of fun singing and dancing with Jo Jingles today. we had to listen carefully to the songs as they gave us instructions to follow.
P5/6 met again with Bready Jubilee and St Mary's Cloughcor on Tuesday to continue our maths activities with STEM Aware. We worked on tally charts, frequency charts and bar graphs. We particularly enjoyed creating a human bar chart to show eye colours of all the children in our STEM group. Out of 133 children, we found out that 31 had blue eyes and the least common was grey with only 6 children. We used this information to create our own bar charts when we got back to school.
We also used tape measures to measure the size of our feet and our height. We went on to measure our hand span and found out that the hand spans of the teachers in the room were exactly the same as their heights but the hand spans of the children weren't the same as their heights. Do you know why this might be?
This week in school we are participating in an event called Feet First Families. The children have been asked to walk to school each morning from the Presbyterian Church hall. Each class have been assigned a day to bring in their bikes or scooters and we encourage all children to participate in some way if possible.
On Monday, the staff were delighted with the effort made by parents and families as we had over 50 children walk up to school. This was a fantastic turn out and let's hope we keep this up for the rest of the week. There might be a prize for the class with the most number of children who walked and also individual prizes for the children who managed to walk to school every day.
Here are a few photos of everyone setting off on our first morning.
We have had a busy two weeks bringing our favourite books in to read during book day and riding our bikes and scooters for "Feet First Families".
This week in French, we have been learning how to introduce different members of our family. Have a look at our video.
On Thursday 1st March, the children were asked to come to school wearing their pyjamas or a onesie for World Book Day. Each child brought in one of their favourite books from home and were given the opportunity to share with the rest of the class what part of the story was their favourite. All the children really enjoyed taking part and we were all very cosy in our pyjamas.
On Thursday Mrs Doherty brought IZAC9 to our class, this was a real treat to use a resource from the Year 6/7 room. We were given a challenge to build a wall, but not any wall. Each block had a number from 1-9, so we had to put the blocks in order. This was really easy for us as we have been counting forwards and backwards using numbers from 0-20. Some children were even able to find larger numbers and order them too!
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684