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We have been so busy in P5/6 which is why we have been so quiet updating all our lovely parents with our news. A couple of weeks ago we had an animation workshop delivered by the nerve centre. We learnt all about how movies are made and then we made our own movie using a green screen based on Disney’s movie ‘Small Foot’. It was all very exciting and we all had lots of fun.
Last week our class put on a fantastic performance of the Christmas nativity story. The children did us proud as staff but I am very sure that our parents were as proud watching their little one on the stage. Each child put in so much effort and were all bright shining stars. Well done Nursery :)
Today in nursery we had a special visitor called Stuart. He is a policeman and he came to talk to us about his job and he reminded us that police officers are there to keep us safe. He talked to us about how to stay safe when crossing the road, riding our bicycles and staying safe when we are in the car. The children had lots of fun trying on his coat and hat and he showed us all the different things that he carries on his belt everyday to work.
Today we had a visitor from Donal McGovern who is an optician from Strabane. He shared with us the importance of eating lots of vegetables to ensure our eyes are healthy. He told us what happens when we go to the opticians and that we do not need to be afraid. We looked at what our eyes look like inside and we had some fun trying on his 'special' glasses. Even the big people in nursery had some fun!!!!!
This week we explored number names. We played some games were we had to find the matching number within a busy picture. We looked at the numbers that end with 'ty' and the numbers that end in 'teen.' With the parents we investigated the welsh numbers and how they have been devised. Believe it or not they make more sense than our numbers within the English language. Go and investigate this for yourself.
Year 7 designed and made their own electrical moon buggies with Mrs Doherty. They enjoyed making electrical circuits with motors and testing out their designs.
Last week Y6/7 learned all about Diwali, festival of light. If you want to find out more follow the link below.
Today we wore odd socks to school to raise awareness for Anti bullying week. In assembly we watched a short video about having respect for other people. Our odd socks were worn to represent that we are all unique, we definitely saw some really unique odd socks today.
This week in Families Connect we were thinking about numbers. We realised how difficult and daunting it could be for children as they are introduced to what a number is. We pretended to live in Letterland and each letter of the alphabet represented a number. Ie: A= 1, B= 2 & C = 3. So with that in mind can you work out what E+E=??
Today we had a workshop all about identity. We learnt all about fingerprints and how everyone's is completely different. We discovered which type ours was in a really interesting activity. We also tasted lots of different foods. The tomatoes didn't go down so well!
Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane BT82 0HN 028 | Telephone: 028 71 883684